Thursday, January 8, 2015

What brought me out of the "Dark Place"?

Working in a school, I thankfully had the summer off away from my boss and all my colleagues to relax but I still had anxiety over returning to work. Getting back on Weight Watchers really gave me something to focus on while TTC and to take my mind off my boss and drama outside of work.

Losing weight and blogging that journey (which is going on again over here to a lesser degree at took time and took energy away from that worry. I looked forward to my weigh ins and getting the stickers and recognition for each 5lbs of weight I lost!

Then of course finally conceiving really brought me up. The boss that I had issues with retired (at the end of 2012 school year just as I went on mat leave of course *eye roll*). It was a relief to know that if I returned to work (I didn't), that I wouldn't have to deal with her again.

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